To be considered for a volunteer position, please review the list of volunteer

opportunities and complete the interest form

You can help Urban Impact change lives one person, one family, one block at a time!

Without our team of over 400 volunteers, our programs and events would not be possible.

Are you ready to impact people with the love of Christ and become part of the Urban Impact story?


To be considered for a volunteer position, please review the list of volunteer opportunities and complete the Interest form

You can help Urban Impact change lives one person, one family, one block at a time! Without our team of over 400 volunteers, our programs and events would not be possible. Are you ready to impact people with the love of Christ and become part of the Urban Impact story?

Volunteer Interest Form


Volunteers are vital to each program’s success. For more information on programs, CLICK HERE.


Become part of the Urban Impact story




 Without our team of over 400 volunteers, our programs and events would not be possible. Are you ready to impact people with the love of Christ and become part of the Urban Impact story?




Our supporters are the backbone of our ministry. The donations we receive are put to work equipping our missionaries, providing for those in need, and giving students opportunities to grow in Christ.